October 2015 – Well it appears that blogging is not one of my strongpoints – hopefully painting is! While most of the past two years has been spent creatively growing our business – OldSoulReSale.com – and having a bit too much fun with furniture.. I am now active in the painting (pictures) studio again. I have had an opportunity to do all sorts of artwork over the past two years – in fits and starts – as time would allow. I am now pretty excited about spending the next few months creating pieces – on a more regular basis. And ofcourse I will blog about it!!! yeah right!
I spent some time painting outside of the lines…

Mixed Media – “I’d Rather be Shopping- In Victoria”
from the “Blame it on Ruth Series” 2015
September 2013 -We have some exciting news! Old Soul ReSale Furniture and ART (our latest retail venture) will be occupying the Old Salem School House – at the lights in Salem (suburb to the north of Elora 🙂 in the very near future. We will be selling great upcycled pieces of furniture, accessories and consignment art from some of your favourite Regional Artists. Can’t wait to see you there. I will be pulling together a small website soon – showing off some of the many pieces of unique furniture and Art. Stay Tuned.
February 2013 – Hi there – glad you stopped in. This is my first blog – and it is primarily about my artwork – inspirations – processes and tidbits of travel along the way. Having recently moved back into my studio full time – I have a renewed interest in working with watercolour – my medium of choice for the past 30 years. I have also developed a desire to create little paintings… almost postcardesque. I don’t know if it is all the talk of downsizing that is going on around us now.. of freeing ourselves from the burden of “stuff” and all that that entails or what — but I’m kinda likin’ little! The biggest benefit for me is that paintings get finished – and usually quickly- freshly and without agonizing.
Maybe it is because I have just come back to the studio after a 4 year hiatus – I found that working as the GM of our regional arts centre (during those years) – my personal creativity was put on the “back burner” in order to focus on the needs at hand. So… maybe I just have a lot of paintings to get out of my body – and will keep them small and watch the stack grow.
Feel free to post comments – I’d love to hear from you.